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Christian Stuff

Helping you understand the Christian faith



Jesus – no matter what you think of him he is man who has shaped our history and is shaping our future.  He was born a Jew in Bethlehem, Israel.  


To tell you the date of his birth is simple – because in most parts of the world, our calendar still counts back to that day.


He lived most of his life in a place called Galilee.

He was a carpenter.

He was a teacher.

He was a prophet and there are historical writings that say he performed miracles.


If that’s all there was to say about Jesus – then perhaps his life wouldn’t have been that important – but there is so much more to him than that.


In the last session we learnt that a lot of humanity is searching to find fulfilment, meaning and purpose. We can have a feeling of emptiness that comes because we have been separated from our creator. This separation is called sin which happens when we don’t trust in God and when we live our own way.


The price of our separation is death. Every time we fall short of the perfection God intended for us we sin. We can’t find a way back to God through our own works or achievements - but our mistakes don’t stop God loving us. 


He loves us so much he realised that the only way to save us from our separation, was to pay the price himself.


He did this with the ultimate sacrifice – which starts and ends with Jesus.


See Jesus was the Son of God. Before he came to earth there were many prophecies given about a man referred to as the Messiah – the anointed one chosen by God to redeem his people. 


He lived on earth as an example to us – a life without sin.

He was the Son of God living on earth – fully man, fully God.

The authorities and spiritual leaders at the time didn’t like what Jesus was claiming and eventually they worked together to have him murdered in one of the most gruesome, public deaths -  a crucifixion.


It was at that point that Jesus performed His greatest miracle. Three days after being killed two women went to his tomb to find it empty and soon after many people found Jesus alive again.


He faced the powers of death and his resurrection overcame them to bring life. 


The price he paid, the fulfilment of prophetic writings, the overcoming of death and the evil forces in our world were all done that we may no longer have eternal separation from God but an eternal relationship, eternal life.


At one point Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die” (John 11:25-26)


If you have been listening to this series on Christian Stuff you may now understand that God did everything to show us how much he loves us. That we can have life for eternity.


Jesus did die for you – but it’s your choice if you want to follow him.


So how will you respond to God’s offer – is there anything stopping you becoming a follower of Jesus?


The Bible says that to be a follower of Jesus we need to believe it in our heart and declare it with our mouth. So if you want to ask Jesus to forgive you for doing things your own way and to follow his way – you can pray this simple prayer with me right now. 


Dear God – I thank you that you created me with a purpose

I know that I do things wrong that separate me from how you intended our relationship to be. I

’m sorry for that and ask for your forgiveness.

I thank you that you sent your Son Jesus to die and overcome death to save me from my sin, and give me eternal life.

Today I make the choice to follow you.

I pray this in the name of Jesus – Amen


If you prayed that prayer then we would love you to get in touch with us at so we can continue to help you on your journey.


And make sure you keep listening to the final 2 parts of Christian Stuff as we keep exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus.



  • Who do you think Jesus was?

  • Do you believe He was the Son of God?

  • Why do you think He was murdered the way He was?

  • What do you think of the life He lived? 

  • Do you believe He is still alive today?

  • Are you prepared to follow Jesus with your life?

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